Ahikar Azcona became known for his appearance in the hit Netflix series La Casa de Papel, where he gave life to the character of Matías Caño, one of the gang’s robbers. However, this young man from Navarre has other hobbies beyond acting. He is a mechanic and is in charge of sharing his passion for the motor world through his social networks.

On his Instagram profile @ahikarnet he accumulates almost half a million followers. And both they and many other users of the platform have already been able to watch an interesting video that was uploaded to their channel last Wednesday. In the video, Azcona shows how to apply the simple trick with which he manages to save a car engine from breaking.

The scene, captured on one of the roads located on the outskirts of the city of Barcelona, ​​begins inside the car driven by his friend, the motorcycle racer Pol Tarrés. With traffic practically stopped as a result of a broken-down car on the shoulder, Azcona is surprised to see the shocking white smoke emanating from that vehicle: “We are entering the Low Emission Zone…”, he jokes.

After passing the damaged car, they realize what is happening, so they decide to stop on the road to lend a hand to those affected. The young mechanic opens the door, leaves the passenger compartment quickly and runs towards the vehicle, which releases a large amount of smoke from the exhaust.

The noise reveals that the car is still accelerating, despite the fact that the driver comments that she has already taken the keys from the ignition and “I can’t do anything”. However, Azcona gets into the pilot’s seat and in a few seconds the noise disappears. “How did you do it?” asks the woman and the majority of users who have viewed the video. Well, the answer is very simple.

As he himself details in his publication, the trick to solve this incident is as fast as it is effective: stall the car. In cases like this, the problem is due to turbo feedback. That is, when the engine uses oil as fuel. “No matter how much you turn off the ignition and take out the key, the car will continue accelerating at its maximum revs until all the oil is used up,” says the mechanic.

And when this happens, “the fastest and most effective way to stop the engine and prevent it from breaking or burning is to put in a gear, preferably a high gear (3rd, 4th, 5th), and stall the car by braking hard” . However, since there were several people in front of the car and he did not want to take risks, Azcona reveals that he had to “reverse” to achieve it, although the result is the same.

Had he not intervened in time, the engine would have continued to accelerate until it “seized” and destroyed, which could even have caused a fire, causing much more significant damage to the affected minivan. After the performance, the young man from Navarre explained to the person in charge of the damaged Mazda that the next thing he had to do was call the tow truck to remove the car and not open the hood or try to start it again.

Although we don’t know what state the engine has been in or if it can be saved, what is clear is that Azcona’s disinterested action prevented further damage. In addition, sharing it on their social networks helps a large number of drivers learn how to act quickly in these moments of tension to solve a problem in their vehicle or that of any other driver who is in the same situation.