The mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, reported this Thursday that the Government delegate in Madrid, Francisco Martín, has informed him that the immigrants arriving in Madrid from the Canary Islands are staying in hostels while they are conditioned “in ten or fifteen days” the military installations of Carabanchel where the Government plans to transfer them.

As confirmed on Wednesday by sources from the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, it is planned to transfer groups of transferred migrants arriving in Madrid from the Canary Islands to house them in Defense facilities located in the district of Carabanchel and in the municipality of Alcalá de Henares .

In Carabanchel, the sources pointed out, the migrants will be welcomed in the General Arteaga barracks of the Army.

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According to Almeida, when asked about the location of the immigrants who arrived in Madrid, the Government delegate explained that while the military facilities in Carabanchel are being renovated “so that more immigrants can go there,” they are in hostels in Madrid. capital and the rest of the Community of Madrid.

The hostels, Almeida has explained, are being managed by humanitarian organizations such as the Red Cross, which are in charge of the “accommodation” and “maintenance” of the migrants transferred from the Canary archipelago.

The mayor of the PP has also asked Martín about the “time horizon” that is expected for the stay of these immigrants in Madrid and Martín has responded that “they are immigrants who are in transit” and that “there are no an answer regarding what that time horizon is to also distribute quotas” possibly with other countries of the European Union.

Almeida has said that he has agreed with the Government delegate for a “practically daily dialogue” to address the issue of migrants. Almeida asks for conditions to “guarantee coexistence and security.”

The mayor has also asked that, “to the extent possible”, the best conditions for coexistence and security in the city of Madrid be guaranteed” with the aim of “avoiding public debates that could be fueled in relation to immigration.” ”.

“Some have already called this a xenophobic speech, but I believe that politics is not about being a do-gooder but about being good” and knowing that there may be certain problems and facing them, both for immigrants and for the residents of the city. city ??of Madrid, the mayor has said. “You cannot welcome the Aquarius with open arms and scatter immigrants without judgment across the peninsula.”

In addition to reporting on his talk with Francisco Martín, Almeida has said about the immigration policy of Pedro Sánchez’s Executive that one cannot “receive the Aquarius with open arms and scatter immigrants with hardly any information throughout Spain.”

“As with so many things,” Almeida added, “we already know how Pedro Sánchez works: first the photo and then the problems; If so, he transfers them to the rest of us.”