Alfonso Pérez (1972), historic player of Real Madrid and FC Barcelona, ??has referred to the situation of the Spanish women’s team in a controversial interview with the newspaper ‘El Mundo’ in which he states that the players “Cannot be compared in no sense with a male footballer.” “. “Everyone has to know where he is and what he generates. You can’t complain about what women’s football is currently. It has evolved but they must have their feet on the ground and know that they cannot be equated in any sense with a male soccer player,” he maintains.

The Madrid native insists that it is not comparable due to the income they generate and the media impact of each one: “There is no comparison there. Surely there are other athletes from other sports who would like to get paid like the players on the Spanish women’s team and can’t, like I would like to get paid for Cristiano Ronaldo, but I can’t be that good. It is what it is”. It does not stop here and also refers to the situation of women in today’s society: “I think it is very good that women have their space and their rights, as I believe they have currently and for many years. There are women working in all positions in large companies and no one closes doors to them anymore.”

Alfonso broke his knee in a Madrid-Barça match in 1994. He was never the same again and the emergence of Rául González Blanco put him aside: “It’s life, I wasn’t lucky with the timing, but a talent like Raúl would have triumphed.” Whether I was injured or not,” he confesses.

International with Spain, he is very critical of those who he considers do not wear the national team’s shirt with all honor: In cases like those of Guardiola or the girls, I would force them to kiss the Spanish flag to know that they defend with honor and honesty his country’s shirt. That, first and then you can protest for whatever you want. “It seems good to me that they ask for what they consider, but the selection is above everything.”

In an extensive interview he also talks about the Negreira case, which he said “smells bad”: “There is a lot left to clarify, but everything suggests that there have been strange extra-sporting things to benefit Barcelona. If that is so, it is extremely serious. “I want to trust in people’s good faith as long as it is not proven that it was all premeditated and organized, but it smells bad.”