He enjoys fashion and his impeccable looks have placed him among the most elegant actors in the country. Her with a sober suit, more daring clothes and even sometimes showing her toned torso on Instagram. From Madrid, 43 years old, he graduated in Law as a family toll to continue with this profession, which he shares with his brother, Manu Baqueiro.

In 20 years of career, he has traveled to the past (Hispania, Carlos, King Emperor), he has been a soldier (Peace Force), a police officer (Riot Police) and a coach (Without You I Can’t). A long list of roles to which he now adds that of the hospital director in Respira (Netflix), the new series by Carlos Montero (Elite) that he is already filming.

Relaxed, on his holiday and after the weekend in the countryside with friends and good food, he attends Magazine from his home in Madrid. A talk that conveys his reflective disposition, the result of years of working on himself. Therapy, nature, animals (he had a horse and now lives with two dogs) have always been a “gift” that he appreciates daily.

Premieres El favor, a delirious comedy about family. Do you have a message?

Without trying to save the world but just to have fun and disconnect, so important in these times, it reflects the risks of the family, that space to which you always return and where they love you almost unconditionally and at the same time where roles are perpetuated that one perhaps has not chosen and that can condition you your entire life. The children who are the protagonists of the story rethink their positions as a result of a situation that disorients them.

His character is the one who provides the sense…

Yes, among some borderline characters, I am the outsider, something like a spectator who puts some sanity into that madness. The truth is that it was a challenge to be in a comedy without having a funny role.

Classism plans in history. What do you think, from your aristocratic origin?

My great-grandfather was a marquis, yes, but the truth is that I prefer not to give relevance to the subject, I have no problem with it, but I also do not want to put the emphasis on it. In the film, classism is the packaging to tell the story: it is a privileged class family, with rich and detestable children. But conflicts could arise in any type of family.

How has yours been? Her parents, she explains, have been powerful role models.

I am super privileged, with wonderful parents who are quite opposite to each other, in origins, in ideologies, and with points in common, obviously. But sometimes with such strong and different references it is more difficult to discover your own power. That has led me to therapy. My father opened my mind in that sense. He carried out spiritual retreats, meditation, he talked to me about philosophy… he took me to the forest and made me look at the trees and listen to the silence. He made me work on my imagination and my sensitivity and that has incalculable value. He loved cinema and would show me Kurosawa films, for example, and we would discuss them when we were 8 or 10 years old! Although what I wanted then was to play with my friends, of course…

How different from “digital” childhood…

Today’s kids have not known that other world. I myself now use the phone more than I would like. But those of our generation had the privilege of learning time management, boredom, dreams, free of cell phones and networks.

What would you evaluate your career?

I would say it has been slow but sure. I am satisfied and proud; It has not been easy in emotional and economic terms. Obviously it is vocational and there are much harder lives, but this job involves ups and downs, each job can be the last. It has cost me a lot, but now I handle a break well, I take a course, I travel or I organize my house and for me it is a great plan, for others perhaps it is a murderous uncertainty.

What is this moment in your life like?

Very good, I’ve been there for a few years now. I have worked a lot on the personal, fears, childhood, the way you bond with others… And that has a reward: more levels of personal freedom. I am much happier now than when I was 20 years old. I feel better as a person and physically, I like myself more. But the work must be continuous. I have returned to therapy after a few years without going, because today at 40 the challenges are different: where I am going, my partner, my friends, my fatherhood or not fatherhood…

What makes you doubt whether or not to be a father?

I have always wanted to be one, but the decision is not easy. In this society it seems like you are eternally young, but suddenly I found myself 40 and… I’m working on it in therapy. Being a father 50 years ago was almost the only option, today the possibilities are so many, there are many aspects to take into account to decide if I undertake that revolutionary life journey or not.

His best virtue and a flaw.

How difficult. What I try to encourage is curiosity and learning about myself and the world. The defect, perhaps defending my positions too much. How do you counteract that? Precisely with curiosity, humility, being flexible.

What has been your most difficult stage?

The most emotionally turbulent, with the good and the bad, was my 20s. I also enjoyed it a lot, I don’t say this with drama. They were the years of training me as an actor, launching myself into the world of work, those of my father’s illness and death, and my first couples. My most intense time and the one in which I learned the most, surely.

What made you suffer the most?

Love, without a doubt. But thanks to therapy I lived that intensity in a constructive way. If you bring awareness to your experiences, you learn. I have done it above all with psychoanalysis, and with anthroposophy, Gestalt… In life, the more things that are touched, the more interesting. I don’t believe in absolute truths, you have to try. The same with the body; It’s okay to do weights, and also dance, Pilates or yoga. Now there are many tools. The democratization of knowledge is great.

What would you change if you had power?

Ugh, a lot of things. I would advocate for more empathy among those of us who think differently, working on what unites us and not what separates us. It sounds cliché, but there is no other. More constructive dialogue and less confrontation. It should be the obligation of politicians. Get closer and not separate. And I think they are not there, neither one nor the other. I find it exhausting.

Committed to a cause?

Obviously I have my opinions and ideology and from my humble place I try to fight for social issues, to expand rights. Understand the reality of women, that of immigrants who board a ship whose probable destination is death. For me, climate change is essential, although sometimes I also fall into contradictions, such as buying packaged foods. I try to modify my attitude as much as possible in my daily life, whether it is about feminism, LGTBI or trans rights… If I want to be respectful and supportive, I must understand other realities and have a critical spirit regarding everything, my personal relationships. , professionals or as a citizen.

What irritates you about others?

Look, if there is something that irritates me about others, I think it has to do with something about me. Sometimes there are those who give you reasons, of course, but I think that if something causes a visceral reaction in me it is because I have to review something in myself. And decide if I want to feel it, because it wouldn’t irritate someone else.

Is something missing from your life?

Nothing. For years he has been practicing a daily exercise of gratitude, not religious but spiritual. Most of us have reasons for this, if we are not in Gaza or Ethiopia, suffering from a complex illness or a difficult situation… I am so privileged that I must be aware of everything I have and that tomorrow I could lose. I’m in gratitude mode. Assess what I have and not what I lack. Another thing is how I want to continue in my life.

Live in the country, perhaps?

In the future I aspire for my daily life to be in a natural environment and to come to the city on time. I have a house in La Granja (Segovia) that I inherited from my father; I have ridden a horse there, I have been there all my life. Nature and friends are my emotional refuges.

He has a reputation for knowing how to take care of his friends, being a good host…

My strong point is organizing all the packaging. For me, receiving or going to someone’s house is an act of love, of sharing, I try to make everything in the most harmonious way, to make them feel important, loved, that they are worthy of my attention and my love, whether with food , music or flowers, so that the house smells good.