Since this month of August, the Sant Martí neighborhood has a new, very special play area. This is the super children’s play area, located on Alfons el Magànim street, between Cristóbal de Moura and Mogent streets.

The space has a unique game element in the city. These are two towers, 6 and 5 meters high, from which two spiral-shaped slides emerge. In addition, this large structure takes accessibility into account through transfer platforms and specific stairs so that as many boys and girls can enjoy the space.

The space has other unusual play elements, such as a collaborative rope swing, a ground-level revolving swing, and a trampoline. It also has a sandy area, more swings and balance tapes. In addition, there are multiple living spaces throughout the environment and two green areas.

The second super children’s play area in the neighborhoods of Sant Martí

This new area is added to the super play area of ??Parc de les Glòries. There are four more in the city: in the Antoni Santiburcio park, the octopus in the Pegaso park in Sant Andreu, the whale in the Nou Barris Central Park and the swallow in the Jardins de la Indústria, in L’Eixample.

Barcelona has more than nine hundred children’s play areas, among which the best valued by families and children are the new super areas. In fact, they act as a pole of attraction for families from all over the territory, given that 17% of the people who visit them are not from the neighbourhood.

This project is part of the objective of advancing towards a playable and friendlier city for boys and girls, placing games and physical activity in the open air among the essential policies to make a city more livable and with a better quality of life, incorporating accessibility and inclusion criteria.