The Department of Citizen Protection of the Valencia City Council will reinforce the device for Halloween night with a special operation that will mobilize 120 agents, who will be distributed in 13 special surveillance areas. It will also shield the city center, as well as the Plaza de Honduras, where up to 300 security fences will be placed, and will establish static and dynamic controls on documentation, alcohol and drugs.

It will also place containers in the Plaza de la Virgen and in the Carmen neighborhood to prevent alcohol and glass from entering the historic center. The Local Police has coordinated the device with the National and Regional police, and will have a reinforcement of 46 more agents from the night shift for requirements that are carried out from room 092.

The operation will begin at 8 in the morning on Monday, October 30, with the deposit of 453 billboards that the City Council will distribute in 24 locations in the city. Only in the Plaza de Honduras, one of the points that will have the most surveillance, the Local Police will place 300 fences.

In the Plazas de España and Benimaclet there will be up to 20 in each of them. The Corps Headquarters will expand the areas of special surveillance this year. In addition to protecting the center with fences, 20 containers of municipal solid waste and a complete set of agents, the Local Police will maintain surveillance in Ruzafa, Benimaclet, Plaza del Cedro, Avenida de Blasco Ibáñez, and the aforementioned Plaza de Honduras, as well as in the Valencia Marina, the Plaza de España, the surroundings of the Joaquín Sorolla station, the Covered Cross and Tarongers. However, alcohol and drug controls will be carried out in other parts of the city in order to prevent the consumption of alcohol and narcotic substances.

“We anticipate massive attendance. Therefore, it is important that the device also contemplates the surveillance of all the areas that register more influx of public every weekend, and also that the Local Police carry out static and dynamic controls throughout the city,” stated the Councilor for Protection. Citizen and Mobility, Jesús Carbonell, who has also appealed to the responsibility of citizens on one of the nights of the year that attracts the largest audience.

“The priority is safety and the prevention of any uncivil behavior that could alter coexistence in the city. I also trust and appeal to the responsibility that citizens demonstrate edition after edition of Halloween,” added the councilor.

The device, coordinated by the CECOR, will also contemplate collaboration with the National Police in the event of any brawl that may occur, the protection of historical heritage, as well as vandalism against street furniture.

The greatest mobilization of agents is planned from 10 p.m. and will last until 5 a.m., although static and dynamic controls will be maintained after that time in the event of movements that may occur during the early hours of the morning. Inspections and controls will also be carried out in leisure establishments, to check capacity and safety measures.