Hard setback for the former leader of Ciudadanos, Albert Rivera. His father, Agustín Rivera, died this Sunday morning at the age of 71, as reported by the Telecinco Summer Party program. According to this information, death would have occurred unexpectedly and due to a coronary problem, specifically linked to the aorta vein. As reported by ESdiario, the ex-politician’s father would not have suffered from any previous heart problem.

Albert Rivera would have received the news of the death of his father while he was traveling through England, a trip that he has quickly interrupted to fly to Malaga to meet his mother María Jesús. According to some media outlets, Agustín’s farewell will take place at the Torre del Mar funeral home, in Malaga. There it is expected that his closest friends and family will come to him.

As we said, Agustín’s death was totally sudden, which is why he will leave all his loved ones with a heavy heart. The ex-politician’s father was a lover of the sea and lived a simple and quiet life in the town that saw him die. A few years ago, he and his wife suffered an attack in the small shop they ran that made headlines, although little is known about his personal life.

This death occurs at a particularly delicate moment for his son Albert. A few weeks ago, the news came to light that he had put an end to his relationship with the singer Malú, with whom he has a daughter in common, Lucía. Luis Rollán commented then that “there have been neither third parties, nor disputes. They speak to me of wear and tear… What I can tell you is how the situation is right now. I will explain the reasons and I will tell you How are you? How are they”.

According to the television collaborator, despite the breakup, their relationship is good. “They make clear to me the good harmony that exists between them and between their families,” said the collaborator. That is why we will have to wait if Malú reappears in the Andalusian town to shelter the family of her ex-partner. This terrible news has surprised the ex-politician during his vacations in England. That was one of his destinations this summer, since just a few weeks ago we saw him enjoy a few days of relaxation with some friends in Ibiza. Without a doubt, his vacation has ended in the worst possible way.