Voracious slugs in particular pose a major challenge for gardeners. They often eat planted vegetables and other plants, overcome fences and protective barriers and are difficult to get rid of.
However, if you don’t want to use commercially available chemicals to control snails (molluscicides), you can use a cheap food item from the kitchen instead.
To effectively protect your plants from voracious snails, all you need is regular oat flakes.
Planting oatmeal is not only a natural and inexpensive way to protect your garden, but also an animal-friendly way.
To get rid of snails in the long term, you should collect them regularly. Popular hiding places include under damp boards, in piles of leaves, under grass clippings and between dead wood.
The German Nature Conservation Association also recommends encouraging natural enemies of snails such as hedgehogs, toads or slowworms in the garden. These animals are mostly found in gardens designed to be as close to nature as possible.
The original of this article “Lots of slugs in the garden! A strange remedy drives the animals away” comes from chip.de.