Aena anticipated yesterday a “very strong wave of investment” in Spanish airports between 2027 and 2031 in view of the forecast that passenger traffic, especially from Asia, will multiply. The president and CEO of the company, Maurici Lucena, advanced before the shareholders meeting an ambitious plan to promote “large and sophisticated projects” in that five-year period. Among them is the expansion of El Prat, a plan to which Lucena mentioned in a veiled way: “To fully participate in the current hyperglobalization, a region needs the international air connections and the hotels required by the companies that orchestrate the value chains”, he said, citing American professor Bradford DeLong. Sources from his environment added that they hope that El Prat will be one of the great projects of the future.

“We want to be the best in the world and offer the most attractive returns in the airport sector,” advanced the chief executive of the manager. At this time, Aena is working on projects for different airports, such as the expansion of Madrid-Barajas, Palma de Mallorca or the actions at the two in Tenerife. In addition, the medium-term objective is to advance in the airport cities of Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Malaga, Valencia and Seville.

Aena’s strategic plan for the coming years also contemplates the consolidation of international assets and their possible expansion. Lucena defined Brazil as the main “strategic market” before the shareholders and, specifically, the Congonhas – São Paulo airport as its jewel. The Spanish company plans to manage 20% of air traffic in the Rio de Janeiro country. The head of the listed company opened up to new acquisitions abroad “as long as the right options are given.”

Aena’s shareholders validated the management during 2022, where the company returned to profit. He earned 901 million. The dividend, of 4.75 euros, was also recovered, which will make the State enter 363 million. Lucena pointed out that, if the forecasts are met, Aena will be able to raise it to five euros. The company’s titles fell 15.5% last year. However, this 2023 they have already grown by 26%, becoming the largest revaluation of the Ibex 35. Yesterday they closed at 155 euros.

Regarding airport fees, which will be frozen this year and next, Lucena recalled that in 2025 the transitional regime provided for in the legislation will end and, therefore, the limitations imposed by the National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC) will disappear. . As of that year, Aena plans to “slightly” raise the fees to airlines.

Finally, Lucena predicted a record summer at airports, a prediction shared, he said, with the president of Iberia, and revealed that thirteen companies are opting for the duty-free shop contest, the largest in the world with 18,000 million at stake.