Last Friday, the Municipal Police of Mollet del Vallès (Barcelona) mistakenly fined around fifty vehicles parked in the vicinity of the Public Security Institute of Catalonia (ISPC), where the graduation of some 1,200 new agents, including Mossos and local bodies.

As municipal sources informed EFE this Wednesday, the incident was due to a communication error with the Catalan police, which led to around fifty fines – each of them 200 euros – to vehicles authorized to park in the areas where they found.

The Municipal Police of Mollet withdrew the fines after discovering that it was an error, and also called those initially sanctioned to apologize for what happened.

Furthermore, the aforementioned sources have stated that there will be a meeting between the Municipal Police, the Mossos d’Esquadra and the ISPC to assess the error and prevent it from occurring in the future, still undated.