The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, assured this Sunday in an interview with the Argentine newspaper Clarín that “there will be a moment” in which the people will want to “hang by the feet” of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, therefore, in his opinion , is a person who has “sold” his principles and “can do anything” to stay in power, even “step on the laws” or “put national unity at risk.”

Abascal’s statements in the Argentine newspaper have been responded to by different leaders of the PSOE and ministers of the Sánchez Government. In this sense, the fourth vice president, María Jesús Montero, has described them as “unworthy” because it is “a serious incitement to hatred.” “Someday we will regret irreparable damage. Does Feijóo have anything to say? Isn’t it enough to throw them out of the governments they share? We demand immediate condemnation,” she asked on the social network X.

The PSOE spokesperson in Congress, Patxi López, has spoken along the same lines, who has disfigured the Vox leader who goes to the inauguration of the Argentine president, Javier Milei, “joins” with the Hungarian Viktor Orbán and ” vomits threats against the president of the Government”. “It is the portrait of a totalitarian who has crossed all limits,” said the Basque leader, who directly questioned the leader of the PP: “What does Núñez Feijóo think about his main partner wanting to see the President of the Government dead? Are you thinking of doing something or is anything worth it?” he asked.

“I would have been vice president of the Government with Feijóo. This level of hatred and insult is unbearable and intolerable. Spain is much better than these ultras,” concluded, for his part, the director of the Cabinet of the Presidency of the Government, Óscar López. “Feijóo’s partner. But then they tear their clothes for any trifle,” wrote, in turn, the Minister of Transport, Óscar Puente.

PSOE sources have also demanded that the opposition leader break his government agreements with Vox because if he does not “he will be an accomplice.” “Does Feijóo share his partner’s words? Is he going to break the agreements he maintains in CCAA and city councils with the neo-fascist party Vox? These are two simple questions. We expect an urgent response given the seriousness of the statements,” the socialists have demanded.

For Abascal, the head of the Executive “is not astute and skillful as people think,” but rather he is “a politician who has no scruples, who has no principles” and, therefore, “has a competitive advantage over honest politicians.” “that “they have scruples because we set limits for ourselves.”

“I have some moral limits. I have some principles. I can’t sell them. Sánchez doesn’t have any,” Abascal defined in an interview with the Argentine newspaper ‘Clarín’, which Europa Press has collected, in which he accused Pedro Sánchez that he can “step on the law, do anything” and “put national unity at risk,” which gives him “a competitive advantage” over the rest of his political rivals.

However, Abascal has pointed out that “there will be a given moment” in which “the people will want to hang him by his feet”, defending at the same time that Sánchez will face the “strong opposition” of Vox. Furthermore, he has charged against the “doubtful opposition” that, in his opinion, the PP exercises because “it criticized him but offered his hand.” “He couldn’t be offered anything. Total distance from the socialists,” he concluded.

Regarding the electoral result of the July 23 elections, Abascal recalled that he offered the votes for the investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo “in exchange for nothing”, while at the same time he has once again tarnished the PP’s electoral campaign in which he “demonizes to his partner, Vox”, in his words.

“The Popular Party promoted false polls that said it was close to the absolute majority and that even Vox was not going to be necessary. And there are many people who decide not to go to vote,” explains Abascal.