She was kicked out of a leisure establishment in Algeciras, Cádiz, and ended up berating the doormen who worked in the establishment, spitting on some citizens gathered there and attacking one of her friends as well as the Local Police officers who arrived to mediate. in the incident. Now, the 34-year-old woman has been arrested and charged with assault.

It was the same employees of the bar who alerted the security forces about the events, as reported by the Algeciras City Council in a note. The arrested woman had been asked to leave the premises for spitting on another person and had caused an attempt to fight. Once the agents arrived at the scene, she acted violently.

The detainee showed “at all times a defiant attitude, insulting the officials and spitting at them several times,” as added by the Consistory, which has also detailed that one of her friends tried to mediate and remove her from the place to take her by taxi to her home, “but the arrested woman refused, insulting and spitting at passers-by and even tearing off her clothes, causing a new disturbance of public order.”

It was there, as indicated by the City Council, when she began to attack her own friend and the police officers who were trying to help her, headbutting, kicking and punching them, in addition to continuing to spit at them. For all this, the agents proceeded to subdue and arrest her.

The officials took her to the Algeciras Centro health center, where she continued spitting and kicking the doctor who was trying to assist her, so she was ordered to be transferred to the Punta de Europa hospital under police custody due to her detainee status.