A British tourist told this Thursday, in the Provincial Court of the Balearic Islands, how she was the victim of a robbery and sexual assault by two young people in Magaluf (Mallorca), an attack that was interrupted by the fortuitous arrival of a Local Police patrol. . “I don’t know what would have happened if the police lights hadn’t appeared,” she said.

In the dock sit two young men, ages 20 and 25, also accused of attacking and threatening the police officers who arrested them. The Prosecutor’s Office requests a sentence of 17 and a half years in prison for the first of the accused, and for the other, a sentence of 20 years in prison, for crimes of robbery with violence, sexual assault, injuries, resistance and attack on police officers. authority and threats.

The incident took place one early morning in March 2023. The woman explained that she was on vacation in Mallorca and that that night she had gone to a cocktail bar in Magaluf. She went out to call a relative in England, and since there was a lot of noise in the area, she walked away a little.

Then, she ran into the two young men, who approached her from the front and behind. According to the victim, one of them covered her mouth and dragged her to a less crowded area, and while they took her away, they took away her jewelry, her watch and her phone, which was still on the call – the family member with whom she was speaking. He heard someone shouting for help, and he rushed to take a flight to Mallorca.

The victim has stated that, in addition to robbing her, the two young men began to grope her while speaking to her “in very bad English.” They tore her dress and touched her genital area. The victim has insisted that she resisted at all times but they kept her pinned to the ground: “I just wanted to get them off of me.”

When asked by the prosecutor, the woman expressed that she does not know if they also intended to rape her: “I don’t know what would have happened if the police lights had not appeared.”

By this he was referring to the blue lights of a Calvià Local Police patrol car that, by chance, was passing by at that time. According to the woman, when she detected the vehicle the attack was interrupted and she took the opportunity to break free.

According to the agents, one of the accused got up and walked out into the path of the vehicle, trying to block their field of vision while asking them questions “that didn’t make much sense”: “Ask us the time, for example. He seemed suspicious to us.” The young man then tried to flee, jumping over the fences of a sports venue, but was intercepted after a chase.

The victim, for her part, tried to tell the police what happened and managed to make them understand that she had been sexually assaulted. “She was very nervous, crying, she couldn’t stop shaking,” recalled the police, who pointed out that she had blood on her thigh, and that one of the boys had scratches on her cheeks. In a search of the suspects, the officials found the objects stolen from the victim, including a watch that one of the accused had hidden in his genital area.

The agents have agreed that when they informed the young people of their arrest, they reacted with violence and threats: “That he had taken our faces, that he was going to kill us, that he was going to send his relatives to kill us…” . According to the Civil Guard, one of the detainees has links to the ‘Caserío’ gang.

In addition to the prison sentence, the Prosecutor’s Office also requests a fine for the accused, as well as a restraining order in favor of the victim, a supervised release measure for eight years and disqualification from working with minors. It also proposes the expulsion from the national territory for one of them, in an irregular situation in Spain.

Likewise, the public prosecution demands that the accused be forced to compensate the tourist with 16,000 euros for the consequences and moral damages, and two police officers with 104 and 1,100 euros for the injuries. The trial will continue this Friday.