Some 4,000 people, according to data from the Government Delegation, demonstrated this Saturday in Madrid to ask the Government to break relations with Israel and raised their voices to demand a ceasefire in Gaza.

The march, called by the Assemblies for the Palestinian Resistance, has commemorated the 76th anniversary of Al Nakba, an Arabic term that means “catastrophe” and that refers to the flight of nearly 700,000 people from their homes – towards the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and countries in the region – after the creation of the State of Israel in 1948.

The demonstration began at 12:30 from Legazpi and ended in Atocha. During the journey, attendees have asked that Spain break relations with Israel and that the Palestinian State be recognized, although the spokespersons for the demonstration have assured that “it is not enough.”

For example, Vivi Rivas, spokesperson for the Contracorriente association, has regretted that Spain continues to maintain diplomatic and commercial relations with Israel. “It is not enough (to recognize Palestine) because this Government, which calls itself progressive, claims it a lot, when they continue to maintain commercial and diplomatic relations with Israel, you continue to be within NATO, which is its main support, you continue to invest thousands and billions in weapons,” he assured.

For his part, Saad Youssef, a member of the Al-Yudur Palestinian Youth, has disagreed with the recognition of Palestine because “that would fall within the Oslo agreements, which are humiliating.” “The Government is going to try to sell it as a victory for the Palestinian people, but in reality it is a victory for imperialist interests, which are interested in maintaining this theoretical framework of peace agreements to continue a slow colonization that is the that we have seen and lived for the last 30 years,” he maintained.

The attendees chanted several songs, among which ‘It is not a war, it is a genocide’ or ‘From the river to love, Palestine will win’ stood out.

The rally was attended by Irene Montero, Podemos candidate for the European elections and former Minister of Equality, who has asked the Government to “immediately” break diplomatic relations with Israel and has criticized the “hypocrisy” of the Executive because it recognizes the State. Palestinian and also “says that Israel is a friendly country.”

“We don’t know what else has to happen for the president to do something concrete to end the genocide and to isolate the genocidal Netanyahu and Israel. Recognizing the Palestinian State while saying that Israel is a country friendly to Spain and not addressing the total arms embargo is pure hypocrisy, it is a cosmetic measure that will not serve to stop the genocide. Not doing anything when you can do it is hypocrisy or, even worse, complicity,” she stated, in statements to the media.

On the other hand, Montero has shown his discontent with RTVE because “they have not taken a position against Israel’s participation” in Eurovision and has stated that the best way for Spain to win Eurovision is “not participating” because it appeals to the society “do what you can to stop this genocide.”

The Podemos candidate for the European elections has asked for the resignation of the head of the RTVE delegation at Eurovision, Ana María Bordás, for “doing absolutely nothing” to prevent Israel’s participation in the contest, as well as that of the director. of communication and participation of RTVE, María Eizaguirre.

“With the pain that we know it can cause to Eurofans and from the complete admiration for Nebulosa that has already shown us that with music we can defend freedom and diversity, we believe that the best way for Spain to win this Festival is not participating”, he concluded.

About 300 people gathered this Sunday afternoon in front of the headquarters of the University of Barcelona (UB). Previously, they blocked traffic on Gran Via and displayed a giant Palestinian flag and entered the historic building to support the student camp that has been camping inside the historic building since Monday to demand an end to the conflict.

In this sense. The UB has assured that those camped in the cloister of the historic building do not interfere in the voting area for the Catalan elections of 12-M. “We have ensured that the spaces that host the electoral headquarters meet the requirements and we hope that tomorrow we can vote completely normally,” said the vice-rector for Internationalization Policy of the UB, Raúl Ramos, in an interview with Catalunya Ràdio.