22 stab wounds. Derek Chauvin, the then white Minneapolis (Minnesota) police officer who killed the African-American George Floyd by pressing his knee on the detainee’s neck for nine and a half minutes despite the victim’s requests, will survive the attack he suffered in the prison where he is serving his sentence .

Another prisoner, John Turscak, 52, attacked the former agent and stabbed him 22 times with an “improvised knife,” after thinking and planning the attack for months, a prison prosecutor reported this Friday.

Until now it was known about the attack and the severity of the injuries, but no details of what happened on November 24 at the Tucson (Arizona) penitentiary center had emerged. In reality it was revenge or a way of taking justice into his own hands, always based on what was declared by the alleged author.

Turscak, convicted of murder, explained to investigators that he had been thinking about this attack against Chauvin for a long time because he was “a high-profile inmate.” He has now been charged with attempted murder, possession of a dangerous weapon and assault resulting in serious injury, according to the prosecution.

The attacker stressed that he chose that day, the popular Black Friday, a day dedicated to shopping, to symbolize the Black Lives Matter movement and the Black Hand, the emblem of the Mexican mafia.

Floyd’s death on May 25, 2020 sparked widespread protests across the United States against police brutality and racism, with demonstrations even spreading internationally.

According to prosecutors, Tursck assured them that he would have killed Chauvin if officials had not responded so quickly. The prison report indicates that employees “performed resuscitation maneuvers on an inmate.”

Chauvin is serving a 22 and a half year sentence. The videos of ordinary citizens recorded how he arrogantly kept his knee on Floyd’s neck, handcuffed and lying face down, ignoring the passers-by who warned of the man’s suffering, nor the detainee himself who, Until he became inert, he repeated several times “I can’t breathe.”

The former police officer suffered the attack after recently receiving devastating news. The US Supreme Court declined to review his case after his lawyer requested that the trial be declared a mistrial due to alleged irregularities and manipulations in the process. The Supreme Court’s decision means confirmation of the sentence.