“Identified incidence in your statement. Possible penalty 1059.75 EUR, send the necessary documentation immediately.” This is the latest scam, written with several spelling mistakes, that the Mossos d’Esquadra have warned about. This is a message that is circulating by SMS and that includes a link to a fraudulent website that impersonates the Tax Agency.

The Catalan Regional Police asks users who receive this message not to access the link that includes the message. The criminals demand a copy of the DNI of the person allegedly affected by the “serious incident” and a payroll. “Don’t do it, it’s a scam,” warn the Mossos.

The Tax Agency never uses a mobile message to request documentation from a taxpayer. On the contrary, the treasury uses control mechanisms to prevent scams. Those affected by inspections or documentation requirements will, in any case, receive a certified letter to their home address, never an SMS.

If you receive messages like this, the Mossos d’Esqueadra recommends deleting it without accessing the link at any time.

These types of scams trying to impersonate the Tax Agency are common, especially during Income Tax campaigns. Normally, criminals use ‘phishing’ campaigns or, in other words, they send massive messages to users as a bait with the aim of making a percentage fall into their trap.

On some occasions, scammers have simulated a supposed refund of money from the Tax Agency in which they requested access to a link. The Police insist on never accessing these types of shipments and, if in doubt, contact the agents.