The world is changing at a dizzying speed and with it all possible areas, including one of the most fundamental: education. And with it, the classrooms and the materials used inside and outside of them.

Traditional methods give way to new ways of teaching in which there is a turn in development tools that focus on learning and interpreting the new environment in which we live.

But who applies these new models? Teachers are the foundation of the entire system. Without them, no matter how much we reinvent learning techniques, they will not be put into practice. From there was born this new and revolutionary educational method that for the first time focuses first on the educator. Editorial Cruïlla, an educational reference in the Catalan language for almost 40 years, has been able to detect the need: “we must reinvent individual and social awareness, to create a comprehensive and empathetic perspective towards society”, they explain about Revola, the new educational project of Cruilla.

“As a leading company in the educational field, it is important to adapt to the new challenges that lie ahead,” says Núria Melgosa, director of Cruïlla. And for this, it has launched this educational project, called Revola, which aims to help students achieve the key skills in learning through the ethics of care. “For this reason, we have developed Revola, a robust and coherent project to accompany teachers and centers in the implementation of the new educational law with an eye on innovation and pedagogical quality,” Melgosa emphasizes.

Designed for an active generation of teachers and students, this initiative has been developed with solid methodological and pedagogical foundations to promote an ethic of care (caring for oneself and others) and global citizenship. In other words, it develops a new model of person capable of carrying out the necessary transformation, educating based on quality and opportunities, responding to the challenges of society in the 21st century.

Five key axes that define the Revola project and that are complemented by the transversal programs that are put into practice in a general way from each subject. For example, the development of communication skills, cooperative learning, emotional education and the ability to learn to think, among others.

All this, always pivoting from the ethics of care. In the words of the director of Cruïlla: “In this way, we invite students, teachers and families to take care of both themselves and others from the ethic of care”. A fundamental philosophy for this new educational method that aims to “promote a good emotional climate that facilitates the learning of key skills,” she concludes.