The National Police arrested a 39-year-old Spanish man last Thursday for leaving his three-year-old son locked in the car at the entrance to Son Banya (Palma).

As confirmed to Europa Press by sources close to the operation, the events occurred on Thursday around 4:30 p.m., when a Citizen Security patrol found a car parked on the Ses Bateries road, at the entrance to the town of Son Banya, with a window a bit open and a three year old alone inside.

The boy was alone, very nervous and sweating, since the temperature in the car was high. Although the temperature in the agents’ car was 33 degrees, the heat had condensed inside the vehicle, making it several degrees warmer inside.

At that moment, the agents force the car window down until they get the minor out of the inside and, once rescued, they manage to locate the minor’s mother, who did not know anything about the situation and reports that the child was with his father, who had supposedly taken him to play soccer.

Half an hour after the minor’s rescue, his father appears, who came from within the shanty town, and tries to take the child away, resisting the checks of the agents, who finally manage to stop him.

Finally, the child is returned to his mother in good health, and the father is detained for an alleged crime of abandonment and for attacking authority by resisting the agents.