The National Police maintains the investigation into the terrorist attack against Alejo Vidal-Quadras almost completely encapsulated. There are orders not to allow even the slightest leak of information so as not to jeopardize the most complex investigations that the general information police station has faced in years. The investigators, in coordination with the National Court, which keeps the proceedings secret, hope to name the X that ordered the murder of the former leader of the PP in Catalonia, although they are aware that the investigations could end in a dead end.

After several months without any progress in the investigation being made known, the National Police published last Tuesday on their social networks that a woman had been arrested in the Netherlands for her involvement in the plan to end the life of Vidal-Quadras. In the puzzle of the investigation – in which hitmen are mixed with small-time criminals and meticulous prior preparations with improvised bungles –, this arrest could be key if his links with the Mocro Maffia, one of the most dangerous criminal organizations, can be proven. of Europe.

Police in the Netherlands arrested this woman on April 26, although her arrest was not revealed until four days later. Just a few days before, on April 22, the National Court issued a European arrest and surrender order (OEDE). There was no need to look for her, her information police station had located her. They reached it through the trail of money that those involved in the plot used to finance the attack: from the purchase of the motorcycle with which the person who shot the politician in broad daylight fled to the payments in the establishments where They took shelter while they carried out surveillance near the home.

The National Court hopes that the handover of the detainee to be placed at the disposal of Judge Francisco de Jorge will be quick, although they do not dare to specify deadlines. The nature of the OEDE, precisely, is to accelerate the transfer of criminals between the countries covered by this mechanism. Something that should contrast with the extradition – pending since January – of Greg Oliver Higuera Marcano, known as Maquia, who was in charge of the purchase of the large-displacement motorcycle. He was under a red alert from Interpol for terrorism, which was raised when he tried to cross irregularly into Colombia from Venezuela, where he is from. There is not much urgency either, as the researchers minimize the impact that the statement may have on the investigation. Nothing to do with the lights that the Dutchwoman can shed.

According to police sources, it is about demonstrating the alleged links that the last arrested woman has with the Mocro Maffia, the criminal network that has put the State in the Netherlands in check with death threats to the heir to the throne and the country’s prime minister. . This mafia, made up of North African criminals specialized in drug trafficking, has made headlines in recent weeks after it became known that one of its leaders, arrested by the National Police, has fled Spain.

The detained woman would be related to the brother of the hitman who destroyed the jaw of one of the founders of Vox in broad daylight. The hypothesis that the Mocro Maffia was involved in the attempted murder – which if confirmed would be the first crime committed in Spain by this organization – has gained more strength after the arrest in the Netherlands, despite the fact that police sources insist that it is not It is the only line of research.

On the morning of November 9, just a few hours after the agreement between PSOE and Junts for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez had been announced, all the alarms went off in the Ministry of the Interior due to fear that the attempted assassination of a historic conservative leader stirred up the spirits in the streets, already quite heated. That story barely took flight because it was Vidal-Quadras himself who pointed out the Iranian regime. The relations that the politician has maintained for years with the opposition to the ayatollahs would, in his opinion, be the motive for the attack. He stated this in the middle of the street before even arriving at the hospital.

Police sources acknowledged in the hours after the attack that they found Vidal-Quadras’ accusation strange, which did not leave even the slightest room for doubt. “When you don’t want an investigation in one direction, you point out the opposite direction,” explained the same sources. In fact, as the weeks passed, the investigation raised murky economic issues in which Vidal-Quadras could be involved, who admitted that the Iranian resistance financed the first steps of Santiago Abascal’s party with almost a million euros.

Without ruling out the previous one, the approach to the Mocro Maffia after the latest arrest narrows the Iranian trail. Police sources rule out that the Mocro Maffia had the slightest interest in ending Vidal-Quadras’ life; that in any case it would be a commission. That is, they allegedly charged for carrying out the planning and execution of the plan.

The hitman Ayari is the most prized prey that the National Police wants to get hold of. Researchers believe it may hold the keys to solving the riddle. He is one of two identified who have not yet been arrested. Ayari, 37, was exploring the Núñez de Balboa area of ??Madrid in the days before the event. Those previous days he did not take as many precautions as the day of the attack, when he was hooded. Surveillance cameras from nearby businesses were used to identify him. But by then, he had already fled Spain, according to all suspicions. After shooting Vidal-Quadras, he fled on a motorcycle to Fuenlabrada, near there he burned it and the trail was lost.

Police intelligence, thanks to collaboration with third countries, is aware that the Mocro Maffia had counted on the services of Ayari, a Frenchman of Tunisian origin, before the attack on the Spanish politician. Police sources place him as the murderer of a confidant that the French Police had in the Mocro Maffia clan called Angels of Death, to which his brother belonged; the same one that the National Police is trying to link with the person detained in the Netherlands. It is unknown what place the hitman’s brother occupies within the current hierarchy of the criminal organization.

This bloodthirsty clan, which according to police estimates could move large quantities of cocaine in Europe, was led by Ridouan Taghi, who was sentenced to life imprisonment in February. Behind him, several murders and many orders. The chronicles of his arrest in 2019 record the protection that the gangster received in Dubai thanks to the Government of Iran.