
I am meat in pajamas.

Meat in pajamas?

I woke up, together with friends, after a night high. I saw them and I saw myself in my pajamas and it was clear to me.

Bodies in…

Pajamas, which is civilization, a slight patina on the animal that we are. And so I sing it.

does he sing it?

I sing “morning comes, I am meat in my pajamas and I don’t remember my name”. It is the central song of my new book-disc.

Featherless biped, Plato would sing.

Plato would take another drug, I suppose.


Psilocybin was mine, at 23 years old: I disconnected from my individual story.

For good?

It’s good to detach yourself from your ego and feel united with everything. And there I understood prophets, visionaries and founders of religions.

Did you want to found a religion?

It wasn’t my temptation, but I understood it: a sudden disturbance of ordinary consciousness can persuade you to be… a chosen one.

And you haven’t founded anything?

Yes, I have founded El sentido de la birra, although I considered another title: La birra es breve.

And what is The sense of the beer?

Some long video interviews with people who interest me: comedians, musicians, writers, artists, thinkers…

Where can I see them?

On YouTube, on my channel: they are talks for a couple of hours, my guest and I leaning against each other at a bar, with a beer.

A couple of hours!? Its alot.

Or three hours, sometimes.

But… who watches that so long?

Well, I have 400,000 followers on networks.

Tell me what your secret is.

There isn’t, I ask my guest about everything to learn something from him and we talk openly without any warning.

A little spiked by the beer?

Gradually, yes, that is so.

And what do you intend to learn there?

As a musician, singer-songwriter and comedian, I started with them: I wanted to know their tricks and secrets. I continued with other profiles. After four years, I have already 350 interviewees!

What have you learned from them?

That laughter and crying are the same thing.


The comedian is the poet who reveals the absurd reality: laughing is a mourning, a cry of lucidity before the grotesque of life.

Where did your interest in comedy come from?

At the Trop: my father’s bar.

tell me that

I was six years old and I was already serving beers to the customers, in that bar in Burjassot. And he played pinball on top of a box, and rock and punk music played…

A bar: conversation school.

Well yes. And some time later, in a closet in my father’s house, I found a dusty guitar…

What was he doing there?

My father had tried to play it when he was young, but gave up. I got obsessed: I took out the Hymn to Joy by Miguel Ríos.

And then he wanted to be a musician.

Well, back then I wanted to be a coroner.


No one can fool the coroner: look at death and know! I saw something on TV. But science was bad for me and I enrolled in psychology. And I left it right away.


I decided to do theater. In Barcelona. I acted. And I studied cinema. And he wrote poems. And he drew comics. And I sang in this bar.

How many things, Ricardo.

What I wanted, after all, is to tell stories. That’s why I love to go out on tour with a band and sing songs.

What kind of songs?

Soul rock, funk, grunge, electronic, classic rock, Springsteen… and just like that, the entire Pantone of rock.

What youth event marked you the most?

For the love of a girl I went to Mexico. Ours did not last long, but I hitchhiked for three months with a hammock, a knife and a guitar. And everything changed!

What change?

Traveling I connected with humanity. And, besides, I appreciated the facilities here.

What did he come back with in the bag?

With an inspiring certainty: “Everything counts, nothing matters.” And with the firm decision to dedicate myself to doing more than having.

And does it work for you?

Only good things happen to me! When will the bad come to me? I wonder sometimes.

It will come to him (and it will end up being for the best).

Well, it will be thanks to humor… I practice it in lyrics, talks, songs… Humor and love are everything. I adore Albert Pla for that, for me it has been a luxury to interview him.

Of everything you do, what do you do best?

Valencian paella. And touch. But my paellas… my paellas are the best!