A demonstration brought together thousands of people in Valencia this Sunday to demand an end to the “forced displacements and transfers” in Palestine, to end “the genocide perpetuated by Israel” and to demand that the Government of Spain put an end to “the relations and complicity of the colonial regime. “We gathered to shout at the top of our voices that we want an imminent ceasefire,” they claimed.

The march, promoted by the Solidarity Network against the Palestinian Occupation (RESCOP), started around 12:30 in front of the Valencia Bullring. In turn, 14 other towns in the Valencian Community and 100 more municipalities in the Spanish State have held demonstrations.

The protesters who have supported the call in Valencia have carried signs with messages such as ‘I want to hug my grandchildren alive’, ‘Free Palestine’ or ‘genocidal Israel PV sponsors’ and have carried a giant Palestinian flag among various people. Likewise, they have chanted slogans such as “The State of Israel is going to fall, it is going to fall,” “From the river to the sea, Palestine will win” and “Netanyahu to court, criminal Zionist.”

The protest has been opened with the Nakba key, since this week it has been 76 years since “the flight in 1948 of 700,000 people”, after the creation of the State of Israel, a fact that “today is being rediscovered. happen,” and with that key the Palestinians “will be able to return to their lands.”

This is what the spokesperson for Voices for Palestine, Ahmed Hamdan, said: “He remembers how his grandfather, before he died, always carried a key hanging because it was a sign he had been waiting for all his life: to return home.” . “We meet again to shout out loud that we want an imminent ceasefire, to stop this genocide, to cut all relations with Israel and to commemorate the Nakba, the right of the Palestinians to return to their lands,” he claimed. he.

For his part, the spokesman for the Palestinian Community in Valencia, Ahmad Jubran, has denounced “the massacre that is being committed in the Gaza Strip.” “If you follow the news you will see that in the occupied territories, every day, between 20 to 50 deaths are added in Gaza and five to ten murdered in the West Bank.”

Jubran has emphasized that “it is not a war” but “a genocide” because “wars are fought between armies”, when in Palestine “there is only one town”, so “Israel is killing little children of five or six years that they are not combatants.”

“It is an annihilation,” he said, “because the high rabbis of Israel are committed to killing Palestinian children, since they emphasize that they are the future combatants, as they also do with women, because they are supposedly the ones who give birth to the future ones.” soldiers.”

In this sense, the member of BDS País Valencià Laura Ferre has asked the institutions to “end the genocide, seize weapons from Israel, cut off relations with any Zionist entity and, especially, academic relations, as they have demonstrated young people in universities.”

The president of the Committee to Support the Palestinian People, Nasser Younis Salim, pointed out that “all the social projects they had built have been destroyed by the war.” “For more than 15 years, we have worked on creating water wells, greenhouses or rehabilitating houses, everything we could, and now it is no longer there,” he said.

“Our most important project was to help orphans, we maintained contact with more than 1,000 children, who have now been murdered,” he lamented, while adding that “the hope of life has been taken away from them because they wanted to reach to be something and they haven’t had enough time to live.”

“Although they have destroyed everything, we will rebuild Gaza, as has been done on previous occasions,” he claimed, and sent a message to the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu: “Whatever you do, we are going to do these projects again.” “We will rebuild Gaza again so that these people have a decent life.”