The Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) and the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC) have undertaken a new citizen science project that aims to promote “the sustainable management of beach and dune ecosystems, analyze the evaluation of current and future strategic actions and implement effective solutions to protect coastal ecosystems,” as explained by the AMB this Friday in a statement.

The initiative is called Bioplatgesmet and is integrated into the European project Guarden, which also has the collaboration of the Institut Metròpoli. Fifteen European partners from eight different countries participate.

Bioplatgesmet, explains the AMB, aims to obtain a database of the biodiversity of the beaches and dunes of eight localities, document and analyze the distribution of species, make a list of invasive varieties, implement protection strategies, develop educational programs and initiatives. of public participation, carry out surveys on knowledge of biodiversity and empower citizens in the analysis of the data obtained.

Project volunteers will record their observations in an application called Minka, which is a “participatory platform where citizens collaborate with researchers.”