Unsolicited commercial calls have been prohibited by law since last June. Yes. Although it may not seem like it, that’s how it is. Because the new rule does not seem to have any deterrent effect on telemarketing companies. Quite the opposite: the invasive calls do not stop. At least that is what 96.6% of the people surveyed by Facua declare, who claim to have received a call of this type in recent months.

But the consumer organization’s survey, in which 6,065 consumers participated between September 20 and 22, goes further because 56.9% of those surveyed maintain that they have received more than five commercial calls in the last month. And furthermore, 57.4% of those affected who have expressly asked the teleoperator not to bother them again have subsequently received a new call offering them the services of the same company.

The services with the highest number of unauthorized commercial calls are telecommunications, mentioned by 72.4% of consumers who say they have received them, followed by energy services, mentioned by 62.1% of those surveyed. At a great distance are insurance (22%), calls to offer alarms (5.3%) and loans (5.3%), according to the Facua survey.

Only 8.6% of consumers say they know how to report unsolicited commercial calls and only 1.5% say they have filed a complaint for this reason.

The Telecommunications Law states that consumers have the right “not to receive unwanted calls for commercial communication purposes, unless there is prior consent from the user to receive this type of commercial communications.”

The ban, in force since June 29, also states that you should not “receive automated calls without human intervention or fax messages, for commercial communication purposes, without having given your prior consent to do so.”

Facua advises users that, if they receive commercial calls without having authorized them, they can file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), which is the body in charge of monitoring compliance with this regulation.