When people talk about the Christmas Lottery, they dream of getting the precious Gordo, but its younger brother, the second prize, is not far behind. And with a total of 1,250,000 euros per series, that is, 125,000 euros per tenth or failing that, 6,250 per euro played, it is an incentive that is surely well received by any player.
The number awarded the second prize, called at 1:02 p.m. at the end of the draw but before the Gordo, is 58303. The prize has been widely distributed, as this number has been sold in multiple locations.
Specifically, luck has been shared in Coruña, O Grove (Pontevedra), Zahara de los Atunes (Cádiz), Cudillero (Asturias), Sant Joan Despí (Barcelona), Belogardo (Burgos), Fuenlabrada (Madrid), Barcelona, ??Ferrol ( Coruña), Benasque (Huesca), Sanxenxo (Pontevedra), Benicasim (Castellón), Úbeda (Jaén), Lugo, Nigrán (Pontevedra), Granadilla de Abona (Tenerife), Vitoria (Álava), El Ejido (Almería), Carboneras ( Almería), Mérida (Badajoz), Badajoz, Don Benito (Badajoz), Valdelagrana (Cádiz), Palamós (Girona), Motril (Granada), Granada, Vecindadrio (Las Palmas), Sant Andrés del Rabanedo (León), Málaga, San Pedro del Pinatar (Murcia), O Porriño (Pontevedra), Gondomar (Pontevedra), Pobla de Farnals (Valencia), Xàtiva (Valencia), Manises (Valencia).
Lottery winners, however, will have to share part of their money with the Treasury, since the tax agency retains a portion of all prizes with a minimum amount of 40,000. In this case, for each tenth, the Treasury keeps 17,000 euros, while the winner keeps 108,000 euros.
The number awarded in 2022 was 04074, which was sold in several administrations in towns such as Puigcerdà, Olot, Mungia and Bilbao. Specifically, the lottery number 1 administrations of Olot and Puigcerdà (Girona) distributed a total of 112.5 million euros (56.25 million in each location).