Plants are one of the most beautiful decorative elements for the home and will give more life to any room, including bathrooms, where light and humidity conditions can greatly affect them. They are not only practical, but also an aesthetically pleasing way to enhance any interior space.

Plants are also elements that contribute to a healthier and more pleasant environment in one of the most used areas of the house and they come in a wide variety of species, sizes and colors, allowing you to choose the one that best suits you and you like for every space in the house.

When choosing plants for the bathroom, consider that their size complements the space without overwhelming it. In small bathrooms, opt for compact options on shelves or hanging on the wall.

Don’t forget to choose a style that harmonizes with the decoration of the sink. Tropical-looking plants can add an exotic touch, while more minimalist options like bamboo or Japanese plants can complement a modern design.

With the aim of helping you select the best plant models for your bathroom, at El Comprador de La Vanguardia we have made a selection of featured products that you will find on Amazon.

The low-maintenance aspidistra helps purify the air to improve the environment in which you live. Additionally, its resilience and ability to thrive in low light conditions make it ideal for being in the bathroom. With long, glossy, dark green leaves that can reach up to 60 cm in length and 12.5 cm in width, this plant adds a tropical touch to any indoor space.

The fern is a houseplant of tropical origin, making its environmental needs easy to provide. Its leaves absorb moisture from the environment thanks to the small pores on its surface, releasing it in the form of vapor and preventing the formation of mold. It can reach a large size and form a leafy layer of hanging leaves, thus helping to create beautiful and elegant spaces.

It is a plant with very striking flowers, which makes it a great decorative option, because it can also be found in a variety of colors. It helps eliminate fungi and humidity and also brightens and perfumes the interior of any room with its flowers. Irrigation should be moderate, avoiding excess water. It is advisable to water it with a bowl of water and remove it when the plant has absorbed the necessary water.

It is a flower with many varieties, resistant and that has a pleasant perfume and that transmits a feeling of tranquility and well-being thanks to the fact that it contains phenylethylamine, a substance that stimulates the production of endorphins in the body. It is a very decorative plant due to its beautiful unique flowers and, also, very practical, since it has the ability to absorb moisture through its leaves.

The main attraction of these plants is found in the leaves. They are exotic in nature and combine different shades of green, revealing some reddish nuances. Its growth is hanging and its native climate is warm, so its perfect place is indoors. As it is a non-flowering plant, it needs humidity to stay in good condition, which benefits the elimination of mold and makes it perfect for your bathroom.