A very deep spiritual imprint, 75 years old. That is the legacy left by the community of the Discalced Carmelites of Terrassa, who in the coming weeks will leave the monastery of Jesús Divino Obrero and San José Oriol, due to the aging of the sisters and the lack of new vocations.

The monastery was founded in 1948. In 1995, it moved to its current location, the Mossèn Homs Tower, where yesterday a Eucharist of gratitude and farewell was celebrated for the seven sisters who remain in the center.

It was a very emotional Mass, officiated by around twenty priests and attended by more than a hundred family members and friends of the nuns, who felt “very supported, with a lot of love.”

After reading the Gospel of Saint Luke, a priest explained that “a cycle is ending. It has been 75 years since the sisters arrived from Mataró. In 2003 the community of Reus joined and in 2005 that of Sabadell. There became 26 sisters.” “We will miss you very much,” he continued. With your prayer you have taught us to pray. You have been present, with a warm welcome, always endearing and close,” she highlighted.

The mother prioress, Rosa Puig, thanked the presence of so many parishioners. “With your proximity, we share the pain of farewell and also the hope of a new path. We appreciate the attention of the priests of the archpriest who have been so attentive to our community.” At the beginning of the year, the nuns will have chosen a destination in other Carmelite headquarters.

For now, the future of the facility is unknown. Sister Àngels Dresaire, from Mataró, reflected on the current crisis. “The proportion of forces between older nuns and the lack of vocation of young people is very unbalanced in all orders. The average age exceeds 70 years. “I am 54 and I am one of the youngest,” she said.

Bishop Salvador Cristau regretted that a community of contemplative life had to close, although he understood the current situation. He thanked the sisters for their dedication over so many years, since the monastery has become a “space of welcome and prayer, which has served prayer groups and many people who have participated in its celebrations.”