* The authors are part of the community of La Vanguardia readers

Frost in the fields, ice sheets, arctic smoke on the Ter River, snow-capped peaks in the distance… autumn seems to be giving way to winter and the Osona region is one of the areas of Catalonia where this is best captured. change, as seen in this series of images in La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos.

One of the most curious phenomena is arctic smoke, with the waters of the Ter smoking. It is produced by the difference in temperature of the water and the air mass, as in this case in Manlleu.

It occurs when rivers, lakes, reservoirs or even the sea are at a much milder temperature than the air at certain times of the day, especially at dawn.

Smoke is produced in this contact zone between the different temperatures of water and air, giving rise to this spectacular, ghostly phenomenon.

Frost is a meteorological phenomenon that consists of a drop in ambient temperature to levels below the freezing point of water and causes the water or vapor in the air to freeze, depositing it in the form of ice on surfaces, such as It can be seen in Osona on a day that dawned at a temperature of minus 2 degrees Celsius.

The extreme case of frost is the black frost, which is when a frost occurs with greater pressure and even causes the plants to be completely destroyed.

It is not unusual for frosts to occur in autumn in Osona. We can also see it in the photographs captured in Bellmunt, at -2 degrees as well.

The interior of this region has a continental Mediterranean climate (extreme temperatures and relatively humid, with more abundant rains in spring and autumn) while in the mountains that surround it, especially in the east and south, it is more Atlantic (wetter and less extreme), which is evident in its vegetation.

The average altitude of the region exceeds 500 meters and is made up of a central plain, the Plana de Vic, surrounded by higher altitudes, and a mountainous sub-region, the Lluçanès.

In this case we also see how lenticular wind clouds have formed in the sky. They are called that because they are shaped like a lentil, as their name indicates, or there are also those who see them as shaped like a saucer or converging lens.

They are stationary and form mainly at high altitudes in mountainous areas and isolated from other clouds. Among mountaineers these clouds are considered a harbinger of a storm.

Added to all this is fog, which is very common in Osona, the place in Spain with the most days a year with this meteorological phenomenon. In the Plana de Vic it is known as la Pubilla, as well as “baixa joke”.

Another of the regions where the arrival of the sub-zero landscape is being better appreciated is in Ripollès, as demonstrated by these photographs captured in Planoles.