Linguistic violations of Valencian in the Valencian Community have increased by 10% in 2023, in which a total of 139 complaints have been registered so far. In the south of the autonomy there has been an increase in complaints and women have been more violated than men, according to a report by Escola Valenciana and other entities.

The president of this entity, Alexandra Usó, presented this Monday in Alicante the report on language violations 2023, in the framework of the Día de los Derechos Linguísticos, before meeting with Concha Bru, first deputy of the Ombudsman.

Usó has regretted the 10% increase in linguistic violations, which implies that a complaint occurs every three days, although he has specified that this increase is due to the fact that people “are losing the fear of reporting.” However, he added that they are “sure” that “dozens or even hundreds of linguistic violations occur every day throughout the Valencian Country.”

Furthermore, according to the report, there is a “significant gender bias”, since women suffer more linguistic violations than men and, as in 2022, these occur further to the south of the Valencian Community, mainly Alicante. capital and Elx, as Usó has clarified.

The president of Escola has stressed that, as a “scandalous” fact of the study, in public administrations there are “many violations”, among which she has cited Departments, councils, town councils, associations, universities or security forces, among others. She has also highlighted that many of these complaints occur in the health field.

“For this reason, we have long thought that the requirement, at least C1, must be a requirement when you become an official of the Generalitat Valenciana,” claimed Usó.

The president of Escola Valenciana has denounced the “intolerance of the right-wing and extreme right-wing government” of the Generalitat and has regretted “visible” violations such as those that occurred in the Borriana library (Castellón). “A government that brings back the flag of hate and that does not carry out its main functions, which is to create harmony in society, obviously creates a situation that is not the best for us,” she pointed out.

“It has been familiar, because in this territory we have had 20 previous years of right-wing government, but that right, now supported by Vox, does not improve the situation at the level of administration and, above all, social noise,” said Usó. .

Among the demands to the Generalitat, he has called for “continuing progress towards linguistic equality and joint work with the governments of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, developing an effective cooperation plan in the fields of language and culture with the governments from the same linguistic field”.

Usó has emphasized that “the only thing” they demand is that Valencian be “respected” as a co-official language, as a mark of the Statute of Autonomy. “For us Valencian speakers to have rights, there are a series of people who have to have certain duties, such as the linguistic requirement in public administrations. It is necessary, it is urgent,” he concluded.

In addition to Escola Valenciana, the Platform for Language, Cultural Action of the Valencian Country, CCOO PV, Intersindical Valenciana, FE CCOO PV, BEA, SEPC, STEPV, Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC ), Platform for the Right to Decide, Societat Choral el Micalet, ACICOM, Federation of Institutes of Studies of the Valencian Country and Union of Valencian Education Cooperatives (UCEV).