The mental health of young people is in a delicate moment. 4 out of 10 claim to have very frequently experienced symptoms associated with a lack of mental health, according to the IV Youth Barometer 2023 recently published by Grupo Mutua, which also highlights that 2 out of 3 have sought professional help.

Specifically, in 2023, 59.3% of the young people surveyed by the study indicate their experiences with these problems after collecting opinions from more than 1,500 young Spaniards between 15 and 29 years old and delves into, among other topics, the problems of mental health of young people and their way of dealing with them when they have them.

One of the most alarming data is that in 2017 only 28.4% of those questioned claimed to have suffered from these problems, although this increase could be due to the fact that there is increasingly more normalization and less stigma when it comes to talking about this issue publicly. .

Another statistic to take into account is that only 36.6% of young people claim to have not experienced any mental health problems in the last year compared to 17.4% of young people who experience mental health problems with a frequency significant.

The most frequent symptoms of these problems are tiredness or lack of energy (46.2%), feeling sad or down (44.2%), problems concentrating (44.9%), fear of the future ( 42.7%), little interest in doing things (40.7%), sleeping problems (39.2%) or anxiety attacks (37.8%).

However, these worrying data also have a small crack of positivity, since of all young people who have suffered mental health problems, 62.5% affirm that they have resorted to professional help to treat them, which represents a considerable increase. compared to the 51% who had done so in 2021.

Beyond cultural, social or family factors, the majority of those who suffer from these psychological problems but do not resort to specialized help are for economic reasons (37.8% of them), a trend that remains stable over time.

Given this double trend of increasing perception of mental health problems and oversized economic costs, online therapy emerges as a possible solution for younger people to treat their disorders.

It is increasingly common to find online psychological therapy services, which are usually cheaper than in-person therapy and can be done much more privately and even completely individually.

The growing psychological problems among youth require specialized professionals with extensive training to be able to treat them and have a positive impact.

With the Master in Child and Youth Psychology you learn to carry out comprehensive interventions from various key areas of psychotherapy. From depression to childhood fears, sleep disorders, eating disorders, hyperactivity (ADHD), conduct disorder (DD), panic disorder (PD), abuse and childhood obesity.

The Master in Neuropsychology teaches you to understand the human brain, focusing its efforts on behavioral manifestations and higher processes associated with its normal and altered functioning.

Thanks to the Master of Permanent Training in Childhood and Adolescence Psychology you will have a team of highly trained teachers in early childhood care, attention problems with hyperactivity (ADHD), social anxiety, stuttering and/or excessive shyness, behavioral problems (disobedience, negativism), etc.