The BComú municipal group in Barcelona City Council will ask at the municipal commission next Wednesday that the Consistory veto the holding of the Formula 1 motorsport road show scheduled for Passeig de Gràcia on the weekend of the 21st to the 23rd. of June.

The group led by former mayor Ada Colau argues that, “given the alarm generated by the announcement of a road show on Passeig de Gràcia to promote the F1 Grand Prix, they will present a proposal to request the withdrawal of this show.

The spokesperson for the Commons group, Janet Sanz, believes that “Barcelona does not need car exhibitions; “What you need are brave policies to reduce heat, pollution and noise, proposals aimed at combating the climate emergency.”

The common people add that the F1 spectacle already has enough knowledge on the part of the citizens and there is no need to promote it, and even less in a space in the city that is already overcrowded by tourism such as Passeig de Gràcia and what “What is needed are measures to contain this overcrowding.” “We need a municipal government that prioritizes policies that put life at the center, what common sense demands of the 21st century.”

The F1 Live Barcelona Road Show is planned as a promotional show for the Spanish GP and tourism in the city. It is planned to occupy Passeig de Gràcia from Aragó Street to Plaza Catalunya, where the F1 Fan Village would be installed, which was supposed to be located at the Moll de la Fusta in Port Vell in previous editions of the motor test.

The exhibition on Passeig de Gràcia includes the installation of a VIP grandstand in front of the Batlló house and pits for the cars participating in the show, with a chicane between Consell de Cent and Diputació streets to reduce the speed of the cars for reasons of safety. security.