As we age, the risk of suffering a fall increases, as well as the health problems resulting from it. This is because with age we lose strength, endurance and agility. A loss of visual, auditory and reflex acuity also comes into play. Diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, low blood pressure and cognitive impairment bring with them balance problems and muscle weakness.

To this we must add problems such as osteoporosis – especially common during menopause – since the bones are more fragile and a simple fall can trigger a serious fracture. In addition, taking certain medications can cause dizziness or a feeling of drowsiness, making falls more common.

However, older people face the possibility of a broken hip resulting from a fall. These types of injuries are very painful, with an arduous recovery that worsens the quality of life of those who suffer them. Therefore, since prevention is always better than cure, it is essential to follow certain habits to avoid, as far as possible, a hip fracture.