* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

When we talk about warning signs in child development, we understand them as a set of manifestations that tell us that something is not evolving appropriately in the development of our child according to age and that it is important to pay attention to it and identify health, environmental, and family factors. or social.

Let us remember that health is not only the absence of disease, but includes physical, mental and social well-being. Being cautious is always important and convenient.

The child remains calm, awake and with his eyes open all night. Sometimes great insomnia accompanied by elaborate motor activities (swaying, head-butting) or with systematic rejection of contact.

Inappropriate behaviors or reactions of parents, which persist despite a first intervention. Abuse has sometimes been described in these circumstances.

Persistent rejection of breast or bottle feeding. Apathy, lack of interest in sucking. Persistent loss of appetite. Inappropriate behavior or reactions of the parents regarding the care of the child, which persist despite a first intervention and/or are accompanied by some other sign of risk or alarm.

Also pica and mericismo or rumination.

Psychomotor development is not a strict calendar, but we can establish certain warning guidelines:

“The first letters that a child pronounces are for the search for the word” (Octavio Paz)

We must observe if:

Irritable children, slow to adapt to changes in routine habits, intense emotional reactions that persist and/or are accompanied by inappropriate behavior or reactions from parents.

“A socially deprived child can lead to atrophy of brain dendrites” (Isabelle Repin)

Over or under involved reactions of the parents with the child if accompanied by any other sign of risk.

The family role is to observe and not jump to conclusions. The presence of these alarm signs mentioned above may be a justified reason to expose them to the pediatrician. Photography and filming sometimes help diagnose these conditions.