The unexpected cancellation of the wedding of Juan Ortega and Carmen Otte, just an hour before the ceremony scheduled in Jerez de la Frontera, has shaken the media and emotional landscape of those involved. The bullfighter’s decision, which leaves his fiancée devastated, has generated a whirlwind of speculation and new details that are becoming known little by little.

Sources close to the couple have revealed that Juan Ortega, still in love with Carmen, was facing doubts exclusively about the marriage and not about their relationship. This clarification denies the initial rumors that pointed to a total breakdown of the love bond, which remains firm.

Although the feelings are solid, so is the pain of the bride who, immersed in pain, has opted for silence and the support of her family, withdrawing from social networks to process the blow. Instead, the matador seeks refuge in his family, while he plans to regain Carmen’s trust and love, hoping that the coming months will heal her open wounds.

As Jaleos has said, the right-hander already has the guidelines marked to recover the cardiologist and try to ensure that everything continues as it should continue to be if this monumental sit-in had not occurred. The first step is to allow a reasonable amount of time to pass.

In this way, the right-hander wants to wait patiently for the emotions to calm down before trying to contact his ex-partner. Furthermore, it seems that Ortega wants to stay informed about Carmen’s condition through her surroundings, while also sharing her own feelings and intentions with those close to her. Therefore, the cardiologist would already know that in a while there could be a second attempt.

The groom’s escape was not as improvised as it seemed. Ortega’s doubts, which arose after his last trip to America, led him to try to stop the wedding, but his indecision remained until the last moment, just after speaking with the priest Josep María Quintana.

The couple’s environment has also played a crucial role in this drama. Family pressure, especially from Carmen’s father, would have contributed to Ortega’s final decision. Although it has not been confirmed, his father’s insistence that the wedding take place could have been an overwhelming factor for the bullfighter.