The saddest news has shaken the world of culture this Friday. The actress Itziar Castro has died at the age of 46. The news was announced by film director Frankie De Leonardis through social networks. Without knowing the results of the autopsy, everything seems to indicate that she would have suffered cardiac arrest. Precisely, a few days ago, Castro opened the channel through social networks with an emotional letter to the ‘I’ of her childhood. Some words that did not go unnoticed, and in said publication today there are endless expressions of affection for the Catalan from her fans.

His words moved his followers. Along with them, the actress revealed a photograph of her during her childhood. “Dear Itzi,” she began by saying. “I would tell you so many things, things like to keep dreaming, that by dreaming hard and with a lot of effort, dreams are achieved, that once achieved not everything is rosy, on the contrary, that there are hard, sad, lonely moments… that There will be insults, blows, stones on the road, but also a lot of love, affection, admiration,” he continued expressing.

The actress was aware that “without wanting to, you will be a mirror for many.” “Ah, yes, there will be more genders than 2, and girls will not have to want to be boys to be able to pilot airplanes or be world champions in soccer,” expressed the interpreter. “The desire to live of many will be in part (and they will tell you) thanks to your empathy, sorority, generosity, fight and always putting your body into it, which is exhausting and sometimes you will want to go into the cave, but it will be worth it,” He said.

The actress was very aware of her closest circle, and proof of this is how she spoke about them to her former ‘self’. “That you will miss more people than you would like, but that others will always be around to support you, as you do them, that the chosen family is indestructible and that in the moments of ‘I can’t take it anymore’ they will make you laugh, among tears, everything very melodramatic, how you like it,” he expressed.

Additionally, she had a few words for all those who have misbehaved with her over the years. “Those who insult you, attack you, put acorns on your desk and call you a pig, will be your fans (yes, your fans, as I told you, dreams come true) and they will ask you for photos (many photos, even when don’t be in the mood) but above all they will ask for your forgiveness,” he said.

“That there will be moments of pain, emotional and physical, that will tell you that you are insane, and despite taking care of yourself, some will want you to suffer, because hatred will stalk you, but do you know what the best remedy for this is? Happiness, self care, self-love… even if sometimes you don’t know where it is, it is there,” he expressed, trying to bring out the good side of all experiences. “And if despite all the positive things I tell you, you don’t have the courage, look at this photo and remember all that hope you had to achieve those dreams and now, THANK YOU,” he concluded, and then assured that “we have to embrace more to our inner child”.

Castro was known, among many other roles, for her role in the series Vis a vis, where she played G?ya Fernández. Within the world of cinema, she participated in films such as Pieles, for which she was nominated for the Goya Awards as best new actress, Campeones, Matar a Dios or Blancaneo. Recently, she had released the short film La cita, written, directed and performed by her.

In addition, she was known for her activist role in favor of LGTBI rights and feminism. She also claimed the beauty of all bodies. In the midst of confinement due to the pandemic, she shared a photo of herself inspired by Botero that was widely commented on. “I am not advocating obesity, I am not saying that I am the way I am anymore, I am simply saying that I am happy and that I like to share it with the world,” she expressed. Without a doubt, the world of culture and activism in our country loses one of its most precious figures.