The Mossos d’Esquadra are looking for a man who last night attacked a woman with a sharp object in the Gràcia neighborhood of Barcelona for no apparent reason, who is admitted to a hospital in stable condition.

According to Betevé and sources from the Mossos d’Esquadra have confirmed to Efe, the events occurred last midnight on Tordera Street in Barcelona, ​​when a group of friends had just left a restaurant for dinner.

At that moment, a man approached the group of friends and attacked one of the women with a sharp object on the chest – which could be a knife or glass, among other objects -, for no apparent reason, an attack that caused serious injuries. Mossos sources have reported that the aggressor and the victim do not know each other.

After the attack, the woman was transferred to the Sant Pau hospital in Barcelona, ​​where she remains in a stable condition. The Mossos d’Esquadra have opened an investigation to clarify the facts and identify the aggressor.