There is very little left to say goodbye to 2023, an especially hard year for the model Joana Sanz. The Canarian woman faced the death of her mother at the beginning of January, and after a week, Dani Alves, her husband, was arrested for the rape of a 23-year-old girl in a renowned nightclub in Barcelona. Since then, the footballer has been in prison, and Sanz has been constantly in the media spotlight. For her part, she has tried to stay out of the controversy. That is why she follows her day by day, sharing content on social networks. Precisely, her latest publication has not gone unnoticed, because she has had a very funny and special companion: her dog.

Last January, the model said goodbye to her mother, who died after battling a long illness. Today, her husband of six years, Dani Alves, is still in prison. The Prosecutor’s Office has requested a sentence of nine years in prison for the former soccer player. After the news came to light, Sanz announced his breakup with the footballer… however, there are many messages of support that he has sent him as the months went by, and it is unknown what his current sentimental situation is. . Although he has revealed that she is not going to divorce, at least for the moment.

In the midst of all this controversy, Joana continues with her professional commitments, and also continues to share content on social networks, even though there was a time when she decided to distance herself from them due to all the controversy generated by her husband’s case. On Instagram, she has more than 951,000 followers, and it is common to see her sharing aspects of her day after day. In her last publication, through the stories on her profile, she can be seen dancing to the rhythm of the song Extrañarte by Zhamira Zambrano and Jay Wheeler.

The influencer moves to the song while she grooms her hair in the bathroom at home. While she moves her hips, her pet appears in the background, a funny Chihuahua that sneaks into the background of the scene. The truth is that it is most common to see the model’s pets in her social media posts, since they are one of her greatest pillars. Joana is a great lover of animals, especially dogs.

The truth is that in recent weeks, Joana has once again been in the media spotlight. The young Canarian woman sat down a few weeks ago on a television set for the first time after the ‘Alves case’ came to light, and she did so in the new Telecinco format, De Friday!. On the program, Joana revealed her decision to maintain her marriage despite the difficult circumstances. The model confessed that she initially requested a divorce, but her husband refused to grant it. “We are the same, at the moment we are not going to get divorced. He is in the situation he is in and for the moment we will remain married,” Sanz said on the program.

Sanz also expressed his unconditional support for Dani Alves, despite the accusations against him. “I am still by his side and I will always be, the future will tell. We continue talking on the phone as if nothing had happened, we support each other the best we can,” he expressed. “Nothing has ever happened to create rejection towards him. Love is there, regardless of whether we are married or not, he is my family, I will continue with him, time will tell,” he continued. And no matter what happens, he will continue to support him.

“I’m always going to be there for him. I’m not going to leave him aside. Things will be resolved. I hope for the best, but I know the person he slept with,” he said. His statements caused a stir and cost him a lot of criticism, since he is a man accused of sexual assault. Be that as it may, we will have to wait to know at what point the relationship between the two is.