For this purpose, different territorial and municipal services are coordinated, which from now until January 7 are expanding actions in the neighborhoods, especially in those with more intense commercial and people activity.

Safe parties

The Guàrdia Urbana de Barcelona will assign 424 agents, 16% more than last year, to increase presence in commercial hubs, Christmas fairs and tourist areas and large agglomerations. In these areas, mixed uniformed patrols with Mossos d’Esquadra agents will be intensified. Inspections of venues and shows with larger capacity and those with planned New Year’s Eve parties with large influx of public will also increase.

During the month of December and the first week of the year, preventive alcohol, drug test and documentation controls are reinforced. Likewise, risk behavior in conventional vehicles and personal mobility vehicles will be controlled.

In addition, the districts of Ciutat Vella and Sarrià-Sant Gervasi will be reinforced by mixed patrols of agents from the Urban Guard and the Mossos d’Esquadra corps.

Clean and quiet streets

Within the framework of Pla Endreça, cleaning of the main meeting points of the city is increased. The service will be reinforced with 114 operators and 62 more cleaning and waste collection vehicles. Civic agents will also be deployed in the neighborhoods to report incidents on public roads and offer general information to citizens.

Two specific devices are also provided to reinforce cleaning. One in Ciutat Vella on New Year’s Eve and the other for the Three Kings Parade.

As every year, from January 7 to 17, fir collection points will be enabled.

Public transport does not make parties

The metro will operate uninterruptedly on Saturday nights and December 31. It will run until 2:00 a.m. on Fridays and the eve of holidays, with the exception of December 24, which will end at 11:00 p.m.

The bus network will maintain the schedules, except on Christmas Eve, when the buses will make the last departure from the stops of origin at 10:00 p.m. The lines that run through the center of Barcelona and other commercial hubs will be reinforced on holidays when businesses are authorized to open.

For its part, the Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya will end the service on December 24 at 11:00 p.m.; on the 25th, at 2:00 a.m., and on the 26th, at 24:00 p.m. During New Year’s Eve the service will be uninterrupted.

Works on public roads

During the Christmas period, service works are prohibited throughout the Ciutat Vella district, except on Vía Laietana and La Rambla. In the rest of the city, it is prohibited to carry out works on the streets near commercial hubs, municipal markets, Christmas fairs and important roads.