The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) classifies and differentiates vehicles based on their emissions. Through the implementation of environmental labels, this measure, in force since 2016, seeks to reduce air pollution, improve air quality in cities and comply with commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Depending on the level of emissions, vehicles receive one of four available environmental labels. These stickers belong to the Zero, Eco, C and B category. Gasoline cars before January 2000 and diesel cars before 2006 do not receive any type of label, because they do not comply with the Euro 3 (gasoline) standard, nor Euro 4 and Euro 5 (diesel).

This energy classification aims to positively discriminate the most environmentally friendly vehicles, allowing them access to Low Emission Zones (ZBE) and free movement through the center of cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants in episodes of high pollution. . The measure also affects motorcycles, despite the fact that they had initially been left out of this classification.

Motorcycles are categorized like cars, that is, with the same four labels (Zero, Eco, C and B) and affects both two- and three-wheeled mopeds as well as light quadricycles and two-wheeled motorcycles with or without sidecar. .

When establishing the classification system for motorcycles, the DGT did not take into account the opinion of the two-wheeled vehicle manufacturers’ association Anesdor. This association, promoter of the idea, considers that the stickers that correspond to the motorcycles do not correspond to reality. As an example, he points out that current motorcycles receive the same label, the C, as those registered in 2007, despite being much more sustainable.

As with cars, motorcycles that do not meet the requirements of any of the environmental categories are not entitled to the DGT sticker. In this way, they cannot access Low Emission Zones or circulate through city centers in episodes of high pollution.

Carrying the environmental label on the motorcycle is not mandatory, although the DGT recommends doing so, as also happens with cars. However, the requirement of your obligation may vary according to the municipal ordinances of each City Council.

In cities like Madrid and Barcelona, ??for example, its use is required to access ZBEs. It is therefore important to place the label in a visible place, following the same principle that applies to the MOT sticker.

Even so, nearly 40% of the motorcyclists surveyed by Mapfre to prepare a report on the role of motorcycles in urban mobility do not have an environmental label. Furthermore, 30% lack information in this regard, according to the insurance company.