Two men, aged 32 and 48, have been arrested in Hernani (Guipúzcoa), accused of sexually assaulting a third party. The events took place last November in a house in Hernani where those arrested subdued the victim after allegedly supplying him with various substances.

As reported by the Basque Department of Security, on December 1, by filing a complaint, the Ertzaintza became aware of an alleged sexual assault suffered by a man by two others in an apartment in the town of Hernani. The victim reported having gone to a local home in mid-November and, after having a drink, he did not remember anything of what happened and suspected he had been sexually assaulted.

The non-uniformed Investigation Group of the Ertzain-etxea of ??Hernani began the relevant investigations and proceeded this past Saturday to arrest the perpetrators, two men aged 32 and 48, accused of the crime of sexual assault by submission. chemistry.

Those arrested were transferred to police stations to continue with the proceedings and, once completed, they were placed at the disposal of the Donostia Guard Court this morning.