The Badalona City Council (Barcelonès Nord) launches the Comprehensive Care Service for Sexual, Affective and Gender Diversity (SAI) to provide coverage to all people who need information or advice on issues of sexual and gender diversity and, especially, those in situations of discrimination or violence due to sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.

This is a confidential and free service that offers specialized and close support to people in Badalona who suffer any form of LGBTI-phobic discrimination or violence or who are at risk of suffering from them. It is a space open to all citizens and that offers direct attention.

The Comprehensive Care Service for Sexual, Affective and Gender Diversity provides attention and information on emotional, sexual and gender diversity; information, dissemination and advice on resources on LGTBIQ matters aimed at citizens, professionals and entities; advice and support to people in cases of discrimination, harassment, abuse and attacks; advice and support to LGTBIQ people, professionals, family members or friends in personal processes of gender identity, sexual orientation or gender expression; psychological and legal care, in the SAI network of the Generalitat; change of sex name in several documents; referral of incidents and complaints due to LGBTIphobia; management of referrals corresponding to incidents and complaints and prevention, awareness and training actions in the population on issues of emotional, sexual and gender diversity.

The councilor for the area of ??Older People, Feminism and LGTBIQ and Functional Diversity, Flori Badia, has expressed her satisfaction with the launch of this service. “We are very happy to complete a work that began in May 2020, when from the area we began internal research work on models and, at the same time, coordination work with the Generalitat to seek LGTBIQ resources for the city of Badalona” , she explained. For Badia, it is very important that people from Badalona who may need support or assistance in this area can be assisted in the same city. “We have come a long way since the first hiring reports and the first staff training and now, finally, we have a service in Badalona that is essential,” she added.

This service is located at OMD 5 (on Avenida de Alfonso

The SAI office will be open every morning from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Thursday afternoons, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. To access the service it is necessary to make an appointment.