“Without the law having yet been approved, the positive effects are already clear,” the Government spokesperson, the socialist Pilar Alegría, highlighted this Tuesday about the amnesty for those prosecuted for the independence process, a legislative initiative of the PSOE, agreed upon by Junts. and Esquerra, whose consideration will be approved this afternoon by the Congress of Deputies.

The minister spokesperson has explained the reasons why, in her opinion, this controversial law is already proving beneficial, even before it is approved, for which it still has a long and tortuous parliamentary path to follow. Firstly, she pointed out that “today all actors move under the same umbrella: politics”, in reference to the incorporation of Junts per Catalunya to the investiture of Pedro Sánchez and the negotiations of the new legislature.

“All actors use the same mechanism: dialogue. All actors work within the same framework: the Constitution. And all the actors have the same objective: to improve coexistence,” Pilar Alegría listed.

“This amnesty law is consistent and in line with the steps that this government has been taking to improve coexistence,” said the minister spokesperson. And she has highlighted that the pardons for imprisoned pro-independence leaders during the last legislature have already brought about “good results in terms of coexistence.” “We are sure that this amnesty law will follow that same path,” she insisted.

After the pardons, and now with the amnesty law, “we are going to continue taking positive steps,” Alegría stressed, despite the harsh offensive against the Popular Party and the far-right Vox.

The Executive spokesperson has highlighted, in this sense, the broad parliamentary support that the amnesty law proposal already has from the start. Of the nine parliamentary groups that make up Congress, she recalled that seven are going to vote in favor of the norm. These are the Socialist Group, Sumar, Esquerra, Junts, EH Bildu, the PNV and the BNG, which add up to 178 seats. And Alegría has highlighted that only two parliamentary groups will vote against the amnesty, the Popular Party and Vox, along with two other deputies from the Mixed Group, those of the Unión del Pueblo Navarro and Canarian Coalition, which together have 172 seats.

In any case, Alegría has called on the groups that oppose the amnesty to inform citizens of “what their solutions and proposals are for Catalonia” and “what steps they would take to improve coexistence with Catalonia.” The debate that will take place this afternoon in Congress, on the taking into consideration of the law, will be “a magnificent opportunity” to explain it, the Government spokesperson has invited you.