The TecnoCampus of Mataró launches a new edition of Go Global, an innovative program designed to provide tools and strategies to companies seeking to expand their operations internationally. The program is defined by both a theoretical and practical approach, including several training sessions and an advisory part.

The program offers the opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge to begin the internationalization process, as well as access the resources and aid available for this purpose.

Aimed at companies with little experience in the export field, Go Global is presented as a space for learning and growth in which fundamental aspects for success in international markets will be addressed.

The program, divided into two phases, consists of face-to-face training sessions at the TecnoCampus, as well as the option of receiving individualized advice from internationalization experts.

Among the professionals in charge of teaching the program are Víctor de Francisco, an expert in International Trade and Digital Marketing, and Remigi Palmés, with more than 30 years of experience in business management and international trade.

According to the business growth technician at TecnoCampus, Maria Palet, this edition has opted to reinforce training in international digital marketing, since “more and more companies are using digital channels to export.”

The training program is completed with a session in charge of the Catalan Agency for the Competitiveness of the Company (ACCIÓ) in which the aids available for internationalization will be detailed.

Registration for Go Global is open until May 3, 2024.

This program represents a unique opportunity for those companies and professionals seeking to make the leap into the international market, offering the tools and support necessary to have a greater chance of success in their business expansion process.

On the other hand, and within the framework of activities to support the internationalization of companies, the TecnoCampus will host this Wednesday, April 17, a session to present the ICEX aid, the public entity in charge of promoting the internationalization of Spanish companies.

Specifically, the ICEX NEXT programs will be presented, which offers financial support (up to €24,000) and advice to start the international promotion plan. Aimed at startups and SMEs; the DESAFÍA Program, which promotes the international growth of startups by connecting with the key agents of the international innovative ecosystem, through experts specialized in each market; and participation in international fairs such as eMerge Americas, South Summit, Web Summit and Slush, with its own stand and support for startups.

Borja Martín Urcelay, head of entrepreneurship at ICEX, and José Ignacio Pradas, Director of ICEX Catalonia, will be in charge of explaining in detail all these programs, as well as other support and services to promote internationalization.