A 9-year-old boy has died after suffering a cardiovascular accident while training soccer in the Toledo town of Noblejas (Toledo). The Noblejas Municipal Football School and the Noblejas Sports Club reported in a statement this Tuesday that the boy suffered a cardiovascular accident this Monday while training at the Ángel Luengo Garro football field in Noblejas, a Toledo town of about 3,800 inhabitants.

For this reason, the Football School monitors, the municipal sports service staff, medical assistance, agents of the Ocaña Civil Guard, municipal authorities and the fathers and mothers present at the training made “enormous efforts” to save the life. of the child, and regretted that “the minor’s medical situation could not be resolved in the way that we all would have wanted.”

As a sign of official mourning, since this Tuesday all training and matches at the Noblejas Municipal Football School have been suspended until the return of the Christmas holidays.

In addition, this Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. a tribute will take place on the soccer field where the events occurred this Monday and the municipal soccer school has asked to have the presence of all the players from all the municipal school teams, of all the family members and all those who wish to accompany “in these very difficult moments, as a sign of solidarity and remembrance.”