Agents of the National Police have arrested in Ontinyent, in the Vall d’Albaida, four people from the same family, between 32 and 61 years old, as responsible for hiding an 8-year-old minor with obvious signs of malnutrition, along with his biological father, in an uninhabited house.
The investigation began when agents from the Juvenile Group of the Provincial Brigade of the Judicial Police of Valencia learned that an eight-year-old minor, whose guardianship had been assumed by the Generalitat Valenciana, had disappeared from the family home along with her biological father, when Social services technicians went to the home to admit her to a juvenile center.
At that time, the police focused on the family environment, finding out that in the days after her disappearance, and after the death of her mother, the girl’s paternal relatives could have had contact with her.
With the investigations of the agents, it was possible to locate an uninhabited house in that municipality in which members of the paternal family, specifically the grandmother, the father, the aunt and her partner, would allegedly keep the girl hidden in order to avoid their delivery to social services.
This caused the police authorities to request an order from the judicial authority to make an entry and thus recover the missing minor.
In order to provide the maximum guarantee to the police operation, the Special Operational Security Groups (GOES) participated, who secured the entrance to the home and located the minor inside with her father in a of the rooms.
According to police sources, the minor was showing obvious symptoms of cold and lack of hygiene, since the house where she had stayed for more than a month lacked water, electricity and supplies.
Due to her condition, she was transferred to the nearest hospital to be assisted physically and psychologically, where they ruled that the minor had previous injuries to some parts of her body.
Finally, the four people investigated were arrested, two women and two men, as alleged perpetrators of the crimes of child abduction and illegal detention. The minor’s father was also charged with the crime of robbery with force for having accessed the interior of an adjacent home to which he was hiding days before his arrest.
Of those arrested, all with police records, two were released after their statement at the police station, with the minor’s father and aunt being brought to justice.