The Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports has intervened in the debate on the need to restrict children’s access to mobile phones, proposing to the autonomous communities that the use of mobile phones in Primary and Secondary Education centers is not permitted during the class schedule.

However, the idea is that secondary school students can use their cell phones in class when the teacher establishes it because their pedagogical project requires it.

This was announced by the Minister of Education, Vocational Training and Sports, Pilar Alegría, after presiding over the Education sector meeting, in which she conveyed to the autonomous communities the need to meet in the first days of January “to seek a consensual and appropriate solution.” by everyone to be able to respond to the concern that families share” regarding the use of mobile phones.

“We are going to see each other, we are going to reflect and we are going to debate to try to generate solutions and answers,” Alegría said at a press conference. And she added that the majority of communities already have their roadmap on this issue, so she wants to sit down and debate with those responsible for regional education and then meet with the School Council and present them with a proposal.

The Education Sector Conference met today for the first time in this Legislature to see how the procedures for the incorporation of students in Vocational Training practices into Social Security are resolved and to approve the distribution of 330 million euros to the autonomous communities. .

Starting next January 1, vocational training students and university students will have to contribute to Social Security. This measure will affect 1,100,000 vocational training students and the Government will cover the first year of contributions for intern students.

During the meeting, the director of the General Treasury of Social Security, Andrés Harto, assured that they have held up to 172 meetings with the autonomous communities to address the contributions of intern students, as Ministry sources have informed Europa Press.

Regarding the approved funds – whose distribution received the approval of the Council of Ministers on November 7 -, they will serve to create 76,479 new FP places, something for which the autonomous communities will receive 143 million euros, and 21,794 public places and free of charge in the first cycle of Early Childhood Education (0 to 3 years) through an investment of 142.4 million euros.

A third agreement involves the transfer of 1.6 million euros corresponding to the Code School 4.0 program to train 5.5 million students from public and subsidized centers in programming, robotics and computational thinking.

The Ministry and the autonomous communities have also addressed a new budget item intended to cover the expenses derived from the schooling of children and young people displaced to Spain due to the war in Ukraine.

Since the beginning of the conflict, more than 38,000 people have arrived at non-university educational centers in the country. The communities will receive 41.9 million euros for the hiring of reinforcement teaching staff and conversation assistants, aid for transportation or the purchase of books and school supplies, among others.

Likewise, the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports has called a meeting of the General Education Commission on December 18 to address with the communities the Royal Decree on thresholds, which regulates scholarships, the order that regulates the EBAU and upcoming actions in the field of Vocational Training.