Lola Índigo has returned to El Hormiguero to present her new professional work, GRX, her “most personal” project. It is not the first time that the artist visits the program, on previous occasions we have been able to meet the singer in a more personal and close way.

This time it has not disappointed. She has shared all the details about GRX, from the artists who have accompanied her to how long it took her to compose some songs. Although she has also been honest about her platonic love

The artist has confessed to Pablo Motos that she has had a platonic love in her town for a long time, “since childhood.” “He knows it, he’s my best friend.” A person who, as she has explained, is someone who “is going to be by my side all my life and I love him very much.”

Some words that moved Lola Índigo as she said them and that led Pablo Motos to ask her if something had happened between them. To which the singer has not hesitated to respond with total sincerity: “Well, of course, Pablo like him will not have happened.”

Although she has not given more details about her current relationship with him. However, she has confessed to Motos that she does not want famous couples. The artist has openly said that she does not like the usual topics of conversation among celebrities, such as work, awards… “Maybe I have fallen out of love, it doesn’t work for me. “I know what not to do.”

In addition, she has explained what her ideal boy should have. Something simple, “being from the village I suppose,” she responded with a laugh. Although he would also like him to know how to cook. “That is the most important thing because otherwise I will die of hunger. But I do know how to get out of a tight spot, my grilled chicken, my salad, my vegetables…”