The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has justified the motion of censure that the PSOE has agreed with EH Bildu, to evict the mayor of Pamplona, ??Cristina Ibarrola, from UPN, due to the need to “unblock the paralysis” that in his opinion The City Council of the Navarrese capital suffers.

Given the harsh critical reaction from the right for the relevant step taken by the socialists in Navarra, which will make it easier for Joseba Asiron, from EH Bildu, to once again assume the mayor’s office of Pamplona, ??Sánchez recalled that yesterday, at the same time as the agreement was revealed To register this motion of censure, the PSOE also offered the Popular Party to join the government of Ceuta, to “give more stable support” to the minority mandate of the president of this autonomous city, Juan Jesús Vivas, which was rejected.

“The daily reality of citizens of one place or another varies, and depending on that, the degree of responsibility that political groups have, in the case of the PSOE, has always been the same: to provide stability and move cities forward.” , to the autonomous communities and to the Government of Spain,” Sánchez argued this Thursday, upon his arrival at the meeting of the European Council being held in Brussels.

“In Pamplona we have been suffering for five years from paralysis, a blockade, and the non-approval of municipal budgets,” said the head of the Executive. “Those who criticize this motion of censure, what they have to do is make it clear,” he replied. “If this motion of censure occurs, it is due to the inability, in this case of UPN, of the Navarrese right, to forge complicities and build bridges with other political formations to move Pamplona forward,” he insisted.

Pedro Sánchez has stressed that the position of the Socialist Party of Navarra (PSN), led by the regional president, María Chivite, “has my support.” And he has reiterated that the objective is to “remove a City Council as important for the Foral Community of Navarra as Pamplona from paralysis.”

And he has insisted on holding the until now mayor of UPN, Cristina Ibarrola, responsible for this motion of censure, for her “total absence of will” to reach an understanding with the rest of the political formations in the city. “They have to make them look at it, because the problem is in UPN, the problem is in this mayor,” she stressed. “And the responsibility of a government party, such as the PSN in this case, is to unblock the paralysis and make Pamplona move forward,” she assured.

This decision, however, has led the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to put caution in his relations with the PSOE, and to continue keeping his planned meeting in the air, before the end of the year, with the President of the Government. But Sánchez reminded him of “the duty that he has as head of the opposition, once the elections are over and with four years of work ahead of him in this legislature, to work for the general interest.”

“The meeting proposal that I have presented to the head of the opposition, and also the three agreements that I have proposed to him, to reform article 49 of the Constitution, have a new regional financing system and renew the General Council of the Judiciary, It is something that is worth it,” Sánchez reiterated.

“I hope that Feijóo closes a date now, because there are no reasons, there are no arguments for the PP not to sit at the table and we can unblock issues that are affecting the daily lives of citizens, such as regional financing or non-compliance flagrant move on the part of the PP to renew the General Council of the Judiciary,” Sánchez called on the head of the opposition.