* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In this series of photographs in Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia we can see the snowy Puigmal emerging over the church of Sant Cristòfol de Campdevànol in the cemetery of this town of Ripollès.

The old parish church from the 18th century is part, together with a farmhouse and the cemetery, of a complex of great formal and expressive quality due to its location visible from the Freser and Merdàs valleys. In fact, it makes up a typical Campdevanol postcard.

The building has a nave, side chapels and a bell tower, which we can see in these snapshots in which the white Puigmal wants to take center stage.

El Puigmal, in Alta Cerdanya, is the second highest mountain in the province of Girona, with 2914 meters, and is located on the border between Spain and France.

Located between the municipalities of Queralbs (Ripollès) and Err (Alta Cerdanya, Eastern Pyrenees), the Puigmal is the highest of the peaks that make up the so-called Gran Olla that surrounds the Vall de Núria.

It is a wide and rounded top. And its ascent is easy if the weather conditions are not very adverse. At its summit there is a forged iron cross and a plaque with verses by Jacint Verdaguer.