60 hard drives, 4,000 files and 40 terabytes of pedophile content. This is the arsenal that has been intervened by the Civil Guard in a house in Cádiz, after which they have arrested the owner of the material, a 62-year-old man, who has been imprisoned by court order.

It was a complaint from a citizen who said he had involuntarily discovered this type of files on the arrested person’s computer, with minors between 12 and 13 years old as protagonists, which gave rise to the investigation, an operation named Poremer and which It has been developed by specialists from the Benemérita computer and technological crimes team in Cádiz.

In a statement, the armed institute has detailed that the man had in his home a computer infrastructure of seven computers, a dozen monitors and 60 hard drives, as well as that he had access to the PCs from any room in the home, so that I could see the reproductions of them.

On the other hand, they discovered that, in addition to storing pedophile content, the detainee also made audiovisual productions of a different nature on a channel of a well-known social network.

After seizing the material, the civil guards reviewed, analyzed and studied all the content to determine the existence of victims and the participation of minors in videos that could have been shared or distributed on the internet.

After the arrestee was brought to justice, his entry into prison has been ordered.