The Minister of Education of the Government of Catalonia, Anna Simó, has sent a letter to all families for the poor educational results in the last PISA report and has reminded them that they have a “key role in educational success”.

This letter comes after the worst results obtained in Catalonia. In fact, tests reveal that Catalan students are below the average for Spain and OECD countries in both Mathematics, Reading and Science. A setback that, from the Ministry itself, was attributed to the “overrepresentation” of immigrant students, which represents 24% of the sample, and to an error in the sample, among other causes. An interpretation that was quickly rectified, ensuring that the sample was correct and showing its “complete confidence in the quality and rigor of the tests.”

“The school must be diverse, because our society is diverse. We must be able to properly address this diversity and reinforce the achievement of the skills that all students must acquire and that the educational system must transmit throughout their schooling,” the counselor has expressed. For this reason, they wanted to value the “effort” of all teachers to manage the “complexity” of educational centers, and urged families to trust them.

Along these lines, the Ministry has asked families for support during the hours dedicated to studying or reading at home, as well as in managing responsible consumption of screens.

Simó has also expressed that they have already begun to promote all the “necessary reforms” and that they will reinforce, in particular, learning in reading, mathematics and languages, as demanded by the results of the latest tests.